从今日开始,Tkong 的全部内容将从洛杉矶向全球发出,正如你所看到的我们将伺服器从西雅图迁移到洛杉矶,并且升级了伺服器配置以应对更多的访问者。
虽然你所在的城市或国家,可能距离我们的伺服器很远,或许跨越大洲大洋穿越半球,但情无需担心因为 CloudFlare、CacheFly、Tkong AnyCast 服务为你保驾护航,它们在边缘网路为您加速,让您能在任何地区任何时间高速连线。
從今日開始,Tkong 嘅全部內容將從洛杉磯向全球發表,如您所見我哋伺服器從西雅圖遷移至洛杉磯,並且升級咗伺服器配置以應對更加多的訪客。
雖然,你所在嘅國家同城市可能同我哋伺服器遙遠,跨越半球同埋大洲,但係你唔需要擔心因為CloudFlare、CacheFly、Tkong AnyCast 服務為你保護航行,佢哋在 Edge Network 為您傳遞訊息,您可以透過任何網路在任何時間高速連接我哋。
From today, all content from Tkong will be published globally from Los Angeles, as you can see, we have migrated our servers from Seattle to Los Angeles and upgraded server to handle more visitors.
Although your country and city may be far from our servers, spanning across hemispheres and continents, you don't need to worry because CloudFlare, CacheFly, and Tkong AnyCast services improve your browsing. They deliver data for you in the Edge Network, make sure you can connect to us at high speeds through any network at any time.